Tatty Bumpkin's Owl Pose - A wise pose for your child's handwriting skills and posture

By Sue Heron – Training Co-ordinator Tatty Bumpkin and Paediatric Physiotherapist 

It's Halloween! Tatty Bumpkin's Owl Yoga activity is a fun and spooky way for your child to stretch out their back and chest muscles – so good for a healthy posture... and writing skills.

Owl Pose – Tatty Bumpkin’s Yoga Activity for the Week 

Adaptations and Progressions

To make Owl Pose Easier

If you notice your child is finding it hard to take their arms out to their sides and above their head whilst balancing in kneeling – guide them to do the arm movements of Owl pose sitting cross-legged on the mat or carpet. It's far better that your child does wide, accurate arm movements so they can experience the stretch in their upper body. 

To make Owl Pose Harder 

Benefits of Tatty Bumpkin’s Owl Yoga Activity for Your Child 

Owl pose will give your child the opportunity to:

1. Strengthen their core muscles  
As your child does Owl pose they will be activating and strengthening their ‘core’ muscles - especially their back and shoulder muscles. Strength in these muscles is not only important for more complex sporting skills e.g. rugby, dance or tennis, but also is crucial for good posture, writing skills and daily living skills e.g. dressing.

2. Mobilise and gently stretch their chest muscles
As your child spreads their arms out to either side in Owl pose they will be stretching their ‘pectoral’ muscles which run across the front of their upper chest. These muscle groups can often become tight because - as children do activities such as writing, typing, using mobile phones they are holding these muscles in the shortened position. 

3. Develop their balance skills
As your child does Owl pose they will be refining their balance skills. Balance is a complex process - as children learn to sit, stand and move around they will be developing mature ‘balance reactions’ naturally. If you provide your child with plenty of (safe) opportunities to gently challenge their sense of balance this will help them to refine their balance reactions further.

4. Strengthen their hip and leg muscles
If you child is doing the harder version of Owl pose, moving from squat to stand, they will be specifically strengthening their hip and leg muscles.

Love Tatty Bumpkin x

Find out about your local Tatty Bumpkin class at http://www.tattybumpkin.com/classes/find-class.html. Or, ask your child’s nursery if they are doing Tatty Bumpkin Yoga activity sessions as part of their day. 

A New Start with Tatty Bumpkin?  

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